BHi Rules & Guidelines

  1. REVISED – 2022

(Exceptions to the rules are at the discretion of BHi management)


All policies, procedures and rules herein are those of Ball Hockey International Inc., and will be administered at all BHI locations and sanctioned events, unless otherwise specified. Hockey Canada’s Official Playing Rules (2005-2006) shall be followed exactly, with the exception of ball hockey specific applications. Any additions, clarifications, or deletions from the Hockey Canada Official Playing Rules (2005-2006), shall be noted herein. Copies of the Hockey Canada Official Playing Rules (2005-2006), will be available for purchase at all BHI locations, and are also available on-line at In the event of a dispute, BHI Management will have the final say on any policy, procedure or rule interpretations

Table of contents

Section One – General

  • Governing bodies                                                               
  • Player Registration  – Youth Divisions                             
  • Player Registration  – Adult Divisions                             
  • Player Registration  – All Divisions                                  
  • Divisions                                                                           
  • Team Representatives                                                        
  • Coaches                                                                            
  • Intoxication                                                                        
  • Facility Damage                                                                 
  • Protest                                                                              

Section Two – Teams & League Play

  • Appointment of Officials                                                  
  • Team Standings                                                                 
  • Team Rosters                                                                     
  • Game Sheets                                                                     
  • Team Uniforms & Starting of Games                              
  • Injured Players                                                                   
  • Game Times                                                                     
  • Youth Rules and Regulations                                           
  • Mens Rules and Regulations                                            
  • Co-ed Division                                                                 
  • Men’s 30+, and Over 35 Divisions                                  

Section Three – Equipment

  • Sticks                                                                              
  • Footwear                                                                         
  • Goaltender’s Equipment                                                   
  • Protective Equipment                                                       
  • Game Balls                                                                      

Section Four – Playoff/Overtime rules

  • Playoff/Overtime rules                                                     

Section Five – Playing Rules

  • All playing rules are the same as the 2006-2007 Hockey Canada Official Playing Rules, with any exceptions noted on pages 15 through 18
  • Code of Conduct  (NEW)                                                 

Section Six – Suspensions

  • List of Infractions and corresponding suspensions       





  1. Youth registration fees are due in full prior to the start of each season. Team entries will not be accepted for Youth Divisions (ages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-15), except the Teen (14-18) division, where players can register individually or with a team. All players will be assigned to teams after final registration numbers have been determined. If deemed necessary by BHI management, the age groupings may be altered to assure all registrants of participation at Siblings will be given priority to be on the same team (where age groupings allow), but no other guarantee of placement will be given to participants requesting to play on a team with a specific individual or group of players .
  • Youth teams shall consist of 12 players, on average, for the spring and fall seasons, and 13 participants for the summer.
  • Goaltenders will be assigned to teams in the order that they came in to register. In the case of a surplus of goalies in any one division, the extra goaltenders may be asked to move up a division, or share the goaltending duties with another goalie on their assigned team.




  1. Adults may register individually, or enter teams.
  • Half of adult registration fees need to be paid by first game
  • The team will be held responsible (as a group) for any outstanding fees, should their team have less than eleven players paid in full. No team (if less than 11 players paid in full), or individual may participate in the playoffs if they have an outstanding balance.
  • If a player plays more than 6 games in a 12 game season or 4 in a week league, they will require to pay the full player fee. If they play less the 6 in a 12 games season or 4 in a once a week league, they will only have to pay half of the fee.




  1. Take advantage of our multiple registration program in the youth division only – See office for details
  • Once a player has registered for or has been assigned to a team (Adult or Youth), there will be no refund of registration fees whatsoever. In the event of an injury or personal issue which will prevent the player from participating, a credit or fee reduction may be applied for future use at the same BHI location, upon their return. It is the player’s responsibility to notify the office of an injury or personal issue within one week of the occurrence.
  • Payments will be accepted by any of the following methods: Cash, Interac, MasterCard, Visa or E-Transfers. Personal cheques will not be accepted for player registration fees. However, business cheques will be accepted from adult team sponsors only.




  1. Participants may be male or female, from ages 4 and up.
  • The following divisions will be offered at all BHI locations:

– Men’s A, B, C, D, D2, E, 30+

(Ladies may participate if so requested by a team in any division) (Players 18 and up, pending the skill level of players aged 17 and under)

  • Women’s A, B & C

(Female participants only 16 and up) pending the skill level of players aged 17 and under

  • Co-ed (female and male participants ages 16 and up)

– Youth (age groups 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, & 15-17) (Coed leagues).

Girls only division (9-11 and 12-15)

Age exceptions in any division are at the discretion of the office

  • All divisions will be determined for adults by placing teams at the highest caliber that BHI Management feels they can compete at (i.e. the top 4-8 teams will play in “A” division and the next 6-8 in “B” division). Teams will only play within their own division for the season that they are registered. Each team roster will be evaluated prior to the team being placed in a specific division, and they will be required to play at the level assigned.
  • Participants may play in multiple divisions; so long as they meet the criteria for each (i.e. must be more than 30 years of age to play in the Over 30 division). Players may participate on two teams in the same division as long as the team has the required 11 registered players. If a conflict occurs, the player must stay on the team with less players in that specific game (excluding goaltenders) BHI management is not responsible for scheduling conflicts that occur for adult players participating at multiple rinks or on multiple teams. The more teams that a person plays on, the greater the chance that a conflict will occur at some point. No concessions will be made by BHI for any such conflicts. As for playoffs, players playing on multiple teams in the same division are permitted to play on both teams unless the two teams meet in the playoffs at which point they must choose one of the teams to play on for the duration of the series. If the team they chose gets eliminated, they may continue to play on the second team for the rest of the playoffs. As for suspensions, if the player gets suspended for any reason, the suspension will have to be served for the team that he or she received the suspension. The player will not be able to play on any other team in that division until the suspension is over. For example, if the player plays for two teams in the same division and receives a 3 game suspension, he or she can end up serving a six game suspension. Players can only play in 1 division lower than the division they are currently playing in. For Example, a B division player can only play in the C division, A C division player can only play in the D Division, and a D division player can only play in the D2 or E Division. Exceptions are at the discretion of BHi Admistration
  • Divisions Players Restrictions (Based on current season)

B Division – No Restriction

C Division – 3 B division players

D Division – 3 C division players or 1 B & 1 C division player

D2/E Division = 3 D division players or 1 C & 1 D division player




  1. It is the sole responsibility of the Team Representatives to communicate all information to their team members. This information will include, but not be limited to, all rules, scheduling changes, disciplinary action (i.e. suspensions) or any directives issued by the BHI Management. Each Team Representative should always inquire about suspensions after any game that one or more of their players has been ejected from (i.e. three penalties, any major or misconduct penalty). Any comments, concerns, game protests or complaints from the team rep or participants must be submitted IN WRITING.
  • Team Representatives will be required to attend meetings on behalf of their team(s), as requested by BHI. It is critical to select a team rep that will participate fully on the team’s behalf. There will be a scheduled team rep meeting 2-3 weeks prior to the start of every season for ALL team reps. A representative should attend, even if the team is not planning to participate in the coming season. An active team rep ensures accurate communication with the BHI office, reducing misunderstandings or misinterpretations during the season.
  • All Team Representatives are required to review the roster on the BHi website prior to their team’s scheduled game times to ensure the accuracy of players numbers/names. BHi will not change statistical information due to an inaccuracy of a team’s roster prior to season start.
  • The Team Representatives will be solely responsible for inquiring about and informing each of their team members of the date and time of all league, tournament and especially playoff games. All games are posted to our web site as far in advance as possible. Team reps who do not have Internet access may request printed schedules from the office.
  • Adult Team Representatives are required to ensure that any participant from their team who is under the age of 18 years wears a helmet with full face mask at all times. Violation of this rule will result in a suspension to the offending player.




  1. It is the responsibility of each coach to ensure that all players on their team have schedules, and are notified if absent, and of any scheduling changes.
  • Fair play, equal playing time and sportsmanship are expected from every coach and their team. Each player should benefit from “OUTDOOR * BALL HOCKEY * FUN.” All coaches will be issued with a copy of the BHI Coaches Guidelines, which they must sign for and read thoroughly.
  • The coach is required to ensure the accuracy of the game sheet prior to their team’s scheduled game time, including the correct designation of a goaltender. The failure to do so may result in statistical tracking inaccuracies. BHi will not alter website statistics due to a coach not complying with this rule.
  • In the event that a player has a problem (i.e. sizing) with their player shirt, the office must be notified immediately by the coach. A new shirt will be provided as soon as one can be acquired.
  • Any coach who regularly disputes the calls made by game officials, or speaks inappropriately to their team, opponents or any league official, will be replaced. All coaches are expected to set and maintain a high standard of sportsmanship and fair play for the children they have volunteered to coach. Coaches are required to have a police check completed prior to the season. Police checks will be paid for by BHi




  1. Any player, league official, coach or team official seen with an alcoholic beverage or illegal stimulant on or in the vicinity of the property where the rink and parking areas are provided, will be asked to leave the property IMMEDIATELY, and shall be suspended from their next scheduled game. If the offending individual(s) are not specifically identified (but their team is), their team rep will be suspended from their next league game. Any team that repeats the offense will be suspended from their next two league games. Any further offenses will result in a one-year ban for the offending individual(s) or team. Thank you for your full cooperation.
  • Any intoxicated individual arriving to participate in a game will be asked to leave the property IMMEDIATELY, and shall be suspended from their next scheduled game.
  • Any participant that is deemed intoxicated shall be immediately ejected from the game in question, and suspended from their next scheduled game. The team rep will be required to assist in removing the intoxicated player(s) from the playing area.  Failure to comply will result in a Gross Misconduct penalty being assessed to the individual(s) in question. If there is any further dispute, the Police will be called to escort the offender(s) from the property.
  • To ensure the safety of every participant, all players and officials are required to compete or participate in a sober condition ONLY (that means no stimulant or alcohol consumption prior to or during games)! Your full co-operation is expected and appreciated.




  1. In the event that deliberate facility damage can be attributed to any participant or team official at a BHI location, the cost of the damage will be assessed and charged to the person/person responsible.
  • Deliberate facility damage will carry an automatic Misconduct penalty for game participants. In the event that a participant intentionally damages the playing surface, that person will be charged

$10.00, plus taxes per tile.

  • The individual/individuals responsible may be suspended from all BHI activities, until full restitution is made.
  • If necessary, Legal action against the offending individual (or individuals) will be taken.




  1. Player ineligibility is the only grounds for protest. The protest must be submitted in writing within one hour of completion of the game in question. Some examples of an ineligible player are as follows: not registered; suspended; wrong age (i.e. under 30 in the Men’s 30+ divisions). All participants are required to provide picture identification, if requested by BHI management, in order to settle any eligibility dispute.
  • The team rep MUST advise the game officials of their intent to protest as soon as they have made their decision. The referees will then instruct the player(s) in question to produce picture identification immediately following the game under protest. In cases where picture identification is unavailable, BHI Management reserves the right to ask the alleged illegal participant to answer personal questions based upon the customer account information at that location.
  • A fee of $25.00 must accompany the protest, which will be refunded if the protest is ruled valid.
  • Any team that uses an ineligible player shall have their team rep suspended for a minimum of one game.






  1. Ball Hockey International Inc. shall appoint officials for all games during sanctioned league or tournament events. Participants may not request specific officials to either officiate or not officiate their team’s games. All officials are expected to be non-biased and call each game fairly.




  1. In league play, the team standings will be determined on the following point system:

2 points for each win

1 point for each tied game 0 points for a loss

1 additional point for each shoot out win

  • In the event that 2 or more teams are tied in the standings at the completion of the regular season schedule, the higher position in the standings will be determined as per the BHI web site at, with the following criteria sequence:
  • Team with most wins
  • Head to Head record
  • The team with the least “goals against”
  • The goal differential between the tied teams, if the season series was tied
  • The team with least amount of penalties
  • Coin toss



  1. Team’s rosters shall consist of a minimum of 11 paid players for adult league play, to a maximum of 18 The roster maximum for BHI sanctioned tournaments is 16players (including the goaltender), for all divisions, unless otherwise specified.
  • All adult team representatives are required to advise the office of their anticipated roster, prior to being placed on the schedule. Rosters should be submitted as soon as possible (or as required) for all league activities and tournaments. Registration fees or deposits are required prior to each season or tournament event.
  • Each participant must register in the office, prior to participating in any league or tournament activity, or their team will automatically forfeit that game, and any subsequent games that they play in. All teams must have the minimum number of registered players (11) on their roster; no later than the team’s 5th game.
  • Participants must have played in at least 4 league games (12 game season) or in 3 games (8 game season) on their respective team in the specific division in order to participate in the playoffs except in youth divisions (Exceptions are at the discretion of BHi management)




  1. BHI shall provide official on line rosters for each and every game. Team reps shall ensure that rosters are accurately completed, with each player’s first and last name (no initials) and correct jersey number, prior to the scheduled start time of their game. A team failing to ensure that the game roster is correct prior to the scheduled start time of its game shall be assessed a Bench Minor penalty for Delay of Game. In the event that the game sheet is incorrect, the team rep (or designate) will convey the proper information to the timekeeper from the penalty box to ensure no further delay will occur, and the game will commence immediately. No change or addition will be permitted to the roster or line-up after commencement of the game, except as follows:
  • Players can only join a game in progress until the beginning of the third period. Drop of the ball.
  • If a player’s name is omitted from the roster but that player was on the floor or on the player’s bench prior to the start of the game, the referee shall allow that player’s name to be added to the roster.
  • Teams reps must informed BHi office of any players that is being added to their roster
  • Individual and team statistics will be compiled throughout the season, based upon the data on the game sheets. It is the responsibility of the game officials and team representatives to ensure that the game statistics have been accurately recorded on the game sheet.  There will be no protest or appeal of inaccurate recording of game statistics, once all three of the game officials have signed it off. Spare goaltenders shall be identified with an “(Default)” after their name, and must be approved by BHI office staff prior to participating
  • Game officials shall note any incident, or injury on the back of the game sheet. Each game official should sign off that the information (statement of facts) is correct, or provide their own version of events. “Please see reverse for referee’s report,” must be circled on the front of the game sheet, and office staff must be advised that there is a report to review.




  1. Each and every player on a team (including the goaltender) shall have the same base colour jersey. All teams should make every effort to have all of their players in matching uniforms for each game. Teams failing to comply with this section of the rule shall be assessed a Bench Minor penalty for illegal equipment either at the start of the game or when the infraction occurs (including playoff games). Each player shall have a number on the back of their jersey, and will not be allowed to participate without one. The number must correspond to the number listed on the game sheet, and may not be more than two (2) digits (numbers 1-99 only) or have any letters or characters in it.
  • Youth teams will be provided with matching t-shirts for each player on their team, for each season. The t-shirts remain the property of BHI until the season is concluded, after which, each player may keep their t-shirt. Parents and players are reminded to ensure that the shirts are kept neat and clean for the duration of the season, and they are not to be altered in any way. Any t- shirt lost during the season must be replaced immediately (ordered from the BHI supplier), at the cost of the offending player.
  • All teams shall have a minimum of 6 players (and not necessarily including a goaltender) to begin play. Teams unable to field the minimum requirement of players (6) to start play shall be assessed a Bench Minor penalty for Delay of Game, if they get their 6th, 7th, etc. player before the game is forfeited. The procedure when a team has less than 6 eligible players shall be as follows:
  • The first period shall begin counting down on the scoreboard, and in the event that a team is unable to start play after 10 minutes (the first period) have elapsed, the offending team shall forfeit that game. If any players from the offending team arrive prior to the expiration of the first period, the game shall not be considered forfeit under any circumstances.
  • In the event that the offending team is able to start play within the first five minutes run off the clock, the time shall be re-set to 10 minutes, and the full game shall be played.
    • If the offending team is able to start play after the time has gone past the first 5 minutes, the game shall start at whatever time is remaining on the clock from the first period.

The clock will be stopped prior to starting play, only after the offending team has their 6th player on the playing surface and ready to play.

  • Forfeit games will not be officiated by BHI staff. However, the rink will be available for use by the participants in attendance for the scheduled time slot.
  • Forfeit will be put in as a 5 to 0 win for the non-offending team
  • Teams that forfeit a game will have to pay at $75 forfeit fee. $50 will go towards the other team and $25 to the BHI office to cover the cost for referees
  • Each team shall have only one goaltender on the playing surface during the game. The goaltender may be removed and another player substituted. The substituted player shall not have any of the privileges of the goaltender. A player cannot be designated as a goalie without a proper facemask (head protection) and goal stick, as minimum requirements.
  • Any team that doesn’t have enough players to play may pick up runners to prevent a forfeit from occurring. They may pick up 2 players if the following criteria are met:
  • Teams must have at least eleven (11) registered players on the roster
  • If a team has less than 7 runners for the game.
  • Player must be from same division or lower, players that play in more than one division will be ranked at the highest division they play this season
  • This rule is for regular season only, players cannot be picked up in playoffs
  • Players must be approved by BHI management
  • If a roster player arrives after the start of the game or during, then the picked-up player must leave the game

5.    Teams may use a goalie spare who currently plays in the league when needed during the regular season and a maximum of once per playoff round (Round Robin games are considered 1 round and Quarters, Semi and Champion games are considered 1 round) in emergencies only.

Teams cannot pick up if their regular goalie is present for the game.

The goalie must be from the same division, or below to be eligible, and MUST be approved by BHI Management prior to participating. Coed; Ladies may use any other registered female goaltender; Coed can draw from same division or Men’s 30+ and Over 30 can draw from any division, provided the goalie meets the age criteria.

  • All teams must have a designated goaltender to start in goal prior to the second period of play, or they forfeit that game. Once a player has been designated as the goaltender, he/she is ineligible to play any other position for that game. If additional players (including the team’s goalie) arrive late for their game where the use of a spare goalie has been allowed, the spare goalie must leave the game at that time. Goalie equipment is available at the office for emergencies, for a rental fee of $10 per game (subject to change without notice). The fee will apply, regardless of how many pieces of equipment are borrowed.
  • All players must remain with the team with whom they are registered or assigned to for the duration of the season.



1.         When a player is injured so that he or she cannot continue play or make their way to the bench, play shall be stopped immediately.




  1. All games will consist of three periods, 10 minutes of “stopped-time” each.
  • MERCY RULE … if a team is ahead by ten goals at any point in the game, the balance of the game will be played in straight time and the clock will not revert to stopped-time (except in the Youth divisions). The scoreboard will not reflect a score with more than a five-goal differential at any time, in any division. If a team is leading by 5 goals in the 3rd period, the last 5 minutes of the game will be run time unless the losing team comes within 2 goals at which point it will become stop time. For example, if a team is winning 5-0 it will remain run time until the other team bring the score to 5-3.
  • If a team requires a change in scheduling of a regular season game, the request must be made a full 7 days in advance. BHI management will contact the affected team to identify a suitable rescheduling date/time; however, no guarantees to fulfill the request will be made. Teams are restricted to one game change request per season (regular season games only), so that the schedule can remain largely intact from its original state. No team will be impacted by more than one rescheduled game per season, unless supported by the affected team or deemed necessary by BHI management. There will be no rescheduling of playoff games unless both comply and unless extreme circumstances, such as hazardous weather conditions, dictate otherwise).
  • A minimum of 48 hours’ notice of any rescheduled game shall be given by BHI management to the affected team rep., whenever possible. However, in some cases circumstances beyond the control of BHI may require teams to play any game on 24 hours’ notice).




  1. 2 minute minor penalty for waiving at a ball with a high stick, contact or non-contact of the ball
  • No intentional sliding is permitted, whatsoever. (2-minute minor penalty)
  • A player will be removed from the game if he or she has received 3 penalties in one game.
  • Zero body contact is permitted
  • No player can score more than 3 goals in 1 game including overtime. A penalty can be given if the referee believes that the player continues to score goals (after scoring 3) on purpose. A player that scores 3 goals in 1 game can participate in the shootout. 
  • Youth teams can pick up players from the same division or lower to assure to have 3 subs on the bench. A goalie may be picked up at any time.\
  • Youth players playing in adult leagues are not required to wear elbow pads




  1. 2 minute minor penalty for waiving at a ball with a high stick, contact or non-contact of the ball
  2. Sliding on one knee or two knees is now permitted in men’s divisions only

    A minor penalty will be assessed if

    1. any player who deliberately slides and makes contact with an opponent that impedes that

              players movement.

    1. in the event that a player has to take extreme measures to avoid being upset by an

              opponent that is  sliding        

    1. in the Co-ed, ladies, and youth leagues, a minor penalty shall be assessed to any player who

             deliberately slides anywhere on the playing surface.

    1. A major penalty and game misconduct shall be assessed to any player who injures an

              opponent as a result of a deliberate slide.

    3. A player will be removed from the game if he or she has received 3 penalties in one game.

    4. Zero body contact is permitted




It should be noted that the premise for the Co-ed division is for men and women to play ball hockey in a social and sportsmanlike environment. As such, BHI recommends that the games be played with the following criteria in mind: it’s a social activity first; a recreational activity second; and a competitive environment third.

  1. A minimum of two female participants must be on the playing surface at all times – excluding the goaltender. For scoring purposes, all goaltenders shall be treated as male participants.
  • No intentional sliding is permitted, whatsoever. (2-minute Minor penalty)
  • Teams can score 5 guy goals. First period, teams are allowed to score up to 3 guy goals, the second period you are allowed to score the 4th guy goal and in the third period you are allowed to score the 5th guy goal. Example: If a team has 2 guy goals at the end of the first period, then in the second period that team can score 2 more guy goals only and must not score the fifth guy goal until the 3 period begins. Guys goals will reset in overtime only.

  • In coed division, guys can only score a total of 3 goals. This will reset for overtime periods only Any goals scored after this point by men unintentionally, will result in a face off in their defensive zone.  Any goals scored intentionally will result in a 2 minute unsportsmanlike
  • Zero body contact is permitted
  • Girls are permitted to use any type of shot, including the “slap shot”.
  • Male participants may not take any form of “slap shot. All legal shots made by male players shall consist of a sweeping motion with the ball touching the blade until the release of the shot (i.e. wrist shots). For a “snap shot” the stick blade may not leave the floor on the back swing but a player may curl their stick blade. If the referee deems the shot to be illegal, play will be stopped, and the offending team shall have the resulting face-off in their defensive zone A Minor penalty shall be assessed for Unsportsmanlike Conduct if the illegal shot is being used to intimidate the opponent or to cause an unnecessary stoppage of play.
  • In the event of a shootout, the order will be girl, guy, girl, guy, as listed on the online roster. A player cannot participate in a shootout if he or she is ejected from the game or serving a penalty. Men may shoot even if the team has reached its 3 goal max.
  • Coed teams can pick up two default girls if they only have 1 roster girl, or 1 default girl if they have 2                     roster players.

  1. If a team has only two female participants and one is assessed a Minor penalty, a guy from the floor must serve the penalty. If a team with only two girls has one of them assessed a Major penalty, the game will be stopped and play suspended as the team will no longer have the minimum requirement of two female participants. The team will then forfeit due to lack of eligible players.




    1. Age requirements – All participants in the Men’s 30+ divisions must be 30 years of age (or turning) the same calendar year in which the season starts. All participants will be required to show picture identification if any player or team protests their eligibility. Goalies are excluded from this rule.
    2. Teams are allowed to have 3 players between the ages of 25 to 30 years old on their roster.






  1. The shafts of all sticks shall be made from wood, carbon, graphite, or other materials approved by BHI. There shall be no projection extending from the stick, and all sticks must have some type of knob covering the butt end of the shaft.
  • Any portion of the blade may be constructed from wood, EXCEPT THE BOTTOM, where the blade makes contact with the playing surface. The accepted composition for the bottom of stick blades is approved materials only (i.e. ABS, graphite, composite, plastic).
  • Any player deemed to be using an illegal stick shall be ruled off the playing surface to their team’s bench. The offending player will be assessed a minor penalty for illegal equipment if they return to the playing surface with any illegal stick or equipment during the same game.
  • Players shall have no tape on the blade of their sticks; goaltenders excepted (must be white tape only). Attack Pads (or similar approved products) are for sale and approved by BHI. If any portion of the Attack Pad is coming loose from the stick blade or is in contact with the playing surface, the player will be ordered to the timekeeper’s box or office immediately, so it can be removed by one of the BHI game officials or office staff.

Sticks with pointed, chipped or squared off corners on the blade are prohibited.




  1. All players shall wear running shoes. The most suitable footwear for outdoor ball hockey is a squash, or indoor volleyball shoe, with a soft rubber sole. FYI – Cross trainers or basketball shoes offer the least amount of traction if the playing surface is wet or snow covered, due to the high arch in the shoe, and harder sole.
  • Goaltenders may wear footwear with reinforced toes.
  • Boots, steel toes, sandals, wheel shoes, and broomball shoes are not permitted.




  1. All the equipment worn by the goaltender must be constructed solely for protecting the head or body and he must not wear any garments or use any contrivance, which would give him undue assistance in tending goal.
  • Protective masks of a design approved by BHI must be worn by goaltenders. These masks must have full face and back of head protection. Neck guards are strongly recommended, and must be affixed to the helmet or mask.
  • Goaltenders will be ordered off the playing surface if their equipment is in disrepair (i.e. unsafe or stuffing falling out of pads). They may return once the piece of equipment is repaired or replaced.
  • Goalie equipment is available to be signed out of the office for emergency use only, for a rental fee of $10 per game (subject to change without notice). The fee will apply, regardless of how many pieces of equipment are borrowed.




  1. Helmets are optional for all players over 18 years of age. Players using helmets shall ensure that the helmet is CSA approved and properly fastened with an approved chinstrap. In the event of any age dispute, the onus will fall on the participant to prove (with picture ID) that they are over 18 years of age … otherwise, they must wear a helmet with a full facemask at all times.
  • All adult players must wear gloves of some design. The entire hand must be covered, and padded gloves are strongly recommended. Effective December 1, 2006, all adult participants will be required to wear an approved glove that protects the hand, wrist and thumb with padding (i.e. ice hockey, lacrosse or approved ball hockey gloves).
  • Should an adult player choose to wear elbow pads, they must be completely covered by the sleeve of their jersey.
  • All youth participants must wear the following pieces of equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet with facemask; elbow pads; protective gloves (approved ice hockey, lacrosse or ball hockey gloves with padding that protects the hand, wrist and thumb adequately); jock or jill strap; shin pads (covering from the top of the knee to the ankle).

Players will receive a two minute penalty if they play the ball without the required protective equipment for their league

(Adults – gloves & shoes, Youths – gloves, elbow & shin pads, jock, shoes and helmet)


  1. Only game balls approved by BHI shall be used. They are orange, pink, or yellow Mylec balls or D-Gel balls, as determined by outdoor temperatures and game officials. All game balls will be supplied by BHI.
  • Teams must supply their own practice and warm-up balls at all times.

Illegal balls shot in from adjacent rinks shall not cause a stoppage of play, unless they directly interfere with play of the legal ball. Play shall be stopped if the referee is unable to retrieve the illegal ball without disrupting ongoing play of the game, or will be taken away from their proper position.

  • All Mylec balls found on BHI properties are to be submitted to office staff or game officials (this reduces costs for everyone involved). Teams should refrain from marking their own names over BHI and other team’s balls.






Best of 3 Series:

  • Teams play a series in which the first team to win two games wins the series
    • Min two games
    • Max three games
    • Overtime
      • All non-championship games will be decided by a 5 minute sudden victory overtime followed by a three person shootout – \A player cannot participate in a shootout if he or she is ejected from the game or serving a penalty. In the Co-ed division, there will be four shooters (in girl/guy/girl/guy order).
      • Championship games will be decided by continuous 10 minute sudden victory overtime
      • A default goalie can be picked up only once per series, has to play in the same division or lower plus regular goalie must be absent from the game

Double Elimination:

  • Teams play a double elimination bracket system as prepared by BHi administration
    • Min two games
    • Max is dependent on number of teams in division
    • Overtime
      • All non-championship games will be decided by a 5 minute sudden victory overtime followed by a three person shootout
      • Championship series only will be decided by continuous 10 minute sudden victory overtime

Round Robin: Once a week

  • Teams play a three-game round robin followed by semi finals and finals based on round robin seating
    • Min three games
    • Max five games
    • Overtime
      • All round robin games will be decided by three person shootout
      • Semi finals will be decided by 5 minute sudden victory overtime followed by a three person shootout
      • Championship game will be decided by continuous 10 minute sudden victory overtime
      • A default goalie can be picked up only once per round robin games, and once per quarters, semis or championship games. Goalie has to play in the same division or lower plus regular goalie must be absent from the game




All playing rules shall be exactly the same as those outlined in the 2006-2007 Hockey Canada Official Playing Rules. Substitute foot or shoe for any reference to skates; ball for all references to pucks; and floor or playing surface for any and all references to ice or rink. Only ball hockey specific applications to rules will be noted herein, as well as notations for any rules or sections of rules to disregard. Disregard any reference to length of suspensions in the 2006-2007 Hockey Canada Official Playing Rules … suspension lengths will be determined as per the list at the end of this document. BHI Management will have the final say on all rules interpretations.

Rule 2 – Rink Dimensions (page 34)

Section (a)    Actual ball hockey rink dimensions are 156’ x 80’.

Rules 3 to 11 – Division of Ice Surfaces, Goal Posts and Nets, Goal Crease, Face-off Spots, Players/Penalty Bench (pages 34 to 39)

All Sections      Dimensions do not apply, since ball hockey rinks are approximately 25% smaller than ice hockey rinks. BHI playing surfaces have been designed as scaled versions of actual ice hockey rink dimensions.

Rule 13 – Dressing Rooms (page 39) Section (a)                Rule does not apply.

Rule 15 – Composition of Team (page 41)

Section (b)    8” numbers may be used if necessary, but 10” is preferred.

Rule 16 – Players in Uniform (page 41)

Section (a) See “Game Sheets” for the BHI application of this rule. Section (b) See “Game Sheets” for the BHI application of this rule.

Rule 17 – Team Roster (page 42)

Either team may complete the game sheet in the BHI league office, prior to the start of the game.

Rule 18 – Captain of the Team (page 42)

Section (a) the team rep is recognized and regarded as the Captain of their team, unless otherwise noted on the game sheet.

Rule 20 – Injured Players (page 45)

Section (b) A maximum of 5 minutes will be allowed to dress a substitute goaltender. No recovery time will be granted to an injured goaltender, unless the team will forfeit the game due to a shortage of players. In extreme cases (such as a potential forfeit), the appropriate length of recovery time will be determined by the game officials.

Section (g) When a player is injured so that he or she cannot continue play or make their way to the bench, play shall be stopped immediately.

Rule 21 – Sticks (page 47)

Section (a) See “Sticks” for the BHI application of this rule. Note – any reasonable curvature is allowed on the stick blade.

Rule 22 – Skates (page 49)

All sections       Rule does not apply.

Rule 24 – Protective Equipment (page 50)

Section (a)      Player Shin Pads must be worn outside the clothing or on bare legs. Section (f)       Rule does not apply.

Section (g)      Rule does not apply.

Rule 26 – Puck (page 54)

Puck                 Rule does not apply. See notes on Game Balls in Section Three. Rule 28 – Minor Penalties (page 57)

Section (f)      A Game Ejection penalty shall be assessed any player that incurs a total of three or more minor penalties during the same game.

Rule 30 – Major Penalties (page 58)

Section (b)      All Major and/or Match penalties will result in an automatic Game Misconduct penalty assessed to the offending player(s).

Rule 31 – Misconduct Penalties (page 58)

Section (a)       faceoffs shall be taken deep in the defensive zone of the team which has taken the penalty

Section (b)      any player assessed a Misconduct penalty in the last 10 minutes of the game or overtime, shall be reported on the back of the game sheet.

Rule 32 – Game Ejection/Game Misconduct Penalties (page 59)

All Sections      In the event that any player is assessed a Game Ejection penalty; Misconduct penalty in the last ten minutes of the game; Game Misconduct penalty; Gross Misconduct penalty; and/or Major or Match penalty, they must leave the playing area and BHI property IMMEDIATELY. Failure to do so will result in their team forfeiting the game. Referee and BHI administration discretion

Section (d)      Add – A goaltender that is assessed six minutes in Minor penalties shall not be subject to the game ejection rule; however such a goaltender shall be suspended for his next scheduled game. If the same goaltender is assessed his or her fourth Minor penalty, that player will then receive a game ejection immediately.

Rule 34 – Match Penalties (page 60)

Section (c)      Add – The minimum suspension for any player or team official assessed a Match penalty shall be 5 games. Such a player or team official shall not be allowed to participate in any further games until BHI officials have reviewed the incident.

Any suspension to a player or team official assessed a Match penalty shall be carried over to all subsequent BHI divisions until the suspension has been fully served in the division it was incurred. The offending player will be ruled ineligible for all BHI activities (officiating, tournaments, coaching, etc.), until the suspension has been served in full.

Rule 37 – Goaltender Penalties (page 64)

Section (a)     the player serving a Misconduct penalty assessed to their goaltender may be substituted after they have served at least half of the time (minimum of 5 minutes served). The substitute would then serve the balance of the Misconduct penalty. No substitution shall be allowed for any player serving a Major penalty for their goaltender.

Section (b)     See Rule 20, Section (b), above, for clarification.

Rule 38 – Three or more players in the penalty box (page65)

Section (b)    when the penalties to the player or players have expired and the penalized team is entitled to more than three runners the time keeper shall permit the

penalized players to return to the floor in this order- the second penalized player then the third and the first player must wait for a whistle before returning.

Rule 40 – Appointment of Officials (page 71)

All Sections      All BHI game officials are assigned by their respective location managers. All references to respect and final decisions are to be followed as written.

Rule 43 – Goal Judges (page 75)

All Sections      Rule does not apply.

Rule 50 – Boarding and Body Checking (page 83)

Section (a)                 Rule does not apply. Use Section (b) rule interpretation for Boarding or Body Checking infractions.

Rule 55 – Delay of Game (page 86)

Section (g) Add – The goaltender shall be assessed a delay of game penalty for causing a stoppage of play while covering the ball when completely behind the goal line in his own end.

Rule 57 – Face-offs (page 88)

Section (a)     The blade of the sticks of both players facing-off touching the

edge of the square facing their opposite goal (i.e. the north or south side only).

Rule 58 – Falling on the Puck (ball) (page 89)

Section (a)    A Minor penalty shall be assessed any player except the goaltender, who deliberately steps on and holds the ball under or between her feet.

Rule 59 – Fighting and Roughing (pages 90 & 91)

All Sections      As per BHI rules, any player assessed a penalty for striking or attempting to strike another player, shall be assessed a Major penalty for Roughing (if only one blow), or a Major penalty for Fighting (if more than blow).

Rule 62 – High Sticks (page 94)

Section (b)    The referee shall assess a Minor or Major penalty only, for any High Stick infraction, as warranted on the play.

Section (d)    Contacting or attempting to contact the ball above the normal height of the shoulder shall result in a Minor penalty for High Sticking.

Section (f)     Add – Any player that waves their stick over the normal height of the shoulder to call for a pass, shall cause a stoppage of play, and loss of zone for their team. If the offense occurs in the defensive zone, play shall be stopped and the resulting face-off will be at the face-off circle nearest the offending team’s goal. In the event that the referee determines that the high stick was a deliberate act to force a stoppage of play, the offending player shall be assessed a Minor penalty for delay of game.

Rule 65 – Icing the Puck (ball) (page 95)

All Sections      Icing shall be determined at the blue line in each defending team’s zone. All other interpretations remain the same … only the line colour and location change roles (substitute blue for red). No player change allowed by the team which incurred the icing.

Rule 72 – Off-sides (page 102)

All Sections      Off-sides shall be determined at the center red line. All other interpretations remain the same … only the line colour and location change roles (substitute red for blue).

References to the neutral zone have no bearing, since each team only has an end to defend or attack in. The appearance of a neutral zone on the playing surface is for esthetic purposes only in ball hockey.

Rule 81 – Start of Game and Periods (page 107) Section (c)    Rule does not apply.

Rule 83 – Tied Game

During regular season games ties will go to 3man shoot-out if still tied 1 for 1 NO OVERTIME . One point for shoot-out loss and two points for shoot-out win.

Rule 84 – Time of Game (page 109)

Section (a) Three ten minute periods of actual playing time will be the time allowed for each league game. Three eight minute periods of actual playing time will be allowed for each tournament game. Teams must switch ends without delay and prepare to resume play. At the referees’ discretion, a short break shall be allowed between periods (maximum of two minutes).

Section (e)    Rule does not apply.



  1. Please note that we play all games “rain or shine”. Play may be suspended for up to 20 minutes if there is lightning activity, and we resume play if/when weather permits. If the game cannot resume, we will reschedule the game to another date. The rescheduled game will continue from the moment the game was postponed. If a game was past the halfway point of the second period, the game will not be rescheduled and finalized with what the score is at that time.
  2. No decision on canceled game will be made until game time
  3. If a game gets postponed due to weather, any player that is on the roster can play  in the rescheduled game, not just those who were in attendance of the rain-out game




Any person who interferes with the game, or verbally abuses an OFFICIAL, COACH or PLAYER will be asked to leave the playing area and not return. The COACH or TEAM REP will be notified by an BHI OFFICIAL to remove the person.

If the person refuses to leave the playing/viewing area after a reasonable period of time, the game will be called and the team the person is associated with will forfeit the game.





Suspended players will not be allowed to attend the games that they are suspended from.

Suspended participants will not be eligible to participate in any BHI sanctioned activities, including tournaments, until their suspensions are served in full.

A player can serve his or her suspensions on all teams he or she plays on in the division the suspension occurred. Suspended participants who play in multiple divisions (or officiate) will be ineligible to participate in any league games for 24 hours.

If the player’s team in question has been eliminated from the playoffs or does not return the next season, the player will serve the suspension with his next scheduled team regardless of division or stage of season.

Any player who receives a match penalty will not be permitted to participate in any division until the full suspension has been served in the division it was incurred.

Fighting Major (multiple punches, 2 players, gloves on or off)5 Games
Fighting Major (instigator)6 Games
Fighting Major (non-instigator)3 Games
Fighting Major (second time, same season)10 Game (minimum upon review)
Fighting Major (during handshake, on premises before/after game)10 Games (minimum upon review)
Roughing Major (1 punch/swing)2 Games
Gross Misconduct2 Games
Third Man in3 Games
Leaving The Bench3 Games (minimum upon review)
Failure to Go To Penalty Bench or Leave the Playing Area/Facility2 Games
Molesting Official10 Games (minimum upon review)
Threatening an Official5 Games (minimum upon review)
Checking From Behind/Boarding (2 minute Minor and Game Misconduct)1 Game
Checking From Behind/Boarding (5 minute Major and Game Misconduct)3 Games (minimum upon review)
Checking To the Head (2 minute Minor and Game Misconduct)1 Game
Checking To the Head (5 minute Major and Game Misconduct)3 Games (minimum upon review)
Any Major/Misconduct in the last 5 min or Overtime of the game1 Game
Match (Attempt or Deliberate Injury)5 Games (minimum upon review)
Unsportsmanlike (verbal taunts, insults or intimidation based on discriminatory grounds based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and physical disability)3 Games